Unless you have a child with Celiac Disease, you probably aren’t aware of the difficulty involved with helping a child to stay gluten-free while in school. This is especially true when lunch rolls around and all the other kids are enjoying their hot lunches.
Vanessa of Beyond Rice Cakes has been a vocal leader of sorts when it comes to this area and is leading a campaign urging people to tell the USDA to provide gluten-free options. This is a no-brainer for people who have children with Celiac Disease, but others may not think of it, so I wanted to draw everyone’s attention to Vanessa’s post.
According to Vanessa:
Currently the National School Lunch Program does not include any provisions for gluten-free food. The good news is that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is revising the Child Nutrition Act and wants to hear from you to help guide the revision process!
To give you a little background, the Child Nutrition Act includes legislation for the National School Lunch Program. This is the program that provides schools with federal assistance for school lunches. In 2009, the act will be reauthorized and, to help ensure the needs of all Americans are met, the USDA is accepting input on what needs to be changed to improve the program.
Please help improve the lives of children with celiac disease by sending your comments to the USDA. You can fax comments to 703-305-2879 or submit comments online.
The deadline for submission is October 15, 2008.
Vanessa goes on to provide some key points to remember as you submit your request to the USDA, so you’ll want to check out her post.
Remember, everyone with Celiac Disease needs to stick together and someone needs to speak up for the children who are going through school without gluten-free options. Here is your chance!
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