As a quick follow-up post to my earlier post titled Do Disposable Diapers Contain Gluten, I received a comment from Nancy Lapid of offering some information about the research she has done.
Over on About she answers the question, can gluten be absorbed through the skin:
Answer: No. Gluten molecules are too large to be absorbed through the skin. If you are having skin reactions to cosmetics or other products that contain gluten, it’s possible that you are having an allergic reaction to one or more of the product’s ingredients. Your doctor or a dermatologist can help you identify the cause.
Special issues in small children: Even though gluten can’t be absorbed through the skin, it’s best to avoid skin care products (or shampoos) that contain gluten if they are to be applied on a small child who might put the treated skin area or hair into his or her mouth.
Thanks Nancy for the clarification! This is great news, as parents of children with Celiac have enough to worry about without adding diapers and skin products containing gluten to the list.
This article is wrong! Gluten CAN be absorbed through skin. Why do you thing they make gluten free makeup, lotion, ect..
Every celiac specialist (doctors that study the disease) in the U.S. agrees that gluten is not absorbed through the skin. However, many people with DH report that they react to gluten containing topical products. Anything one might swallow (lipstick/balm, toothpaste, mouthwash) could be a problem as well. Many people choose to use gluten-free soaps, shampoos, etc. and that is their choice. As always, everyone is free to use and avoid whatever products they want to.