Ever wonder which celebrities have Celiac Disease? I found myself wondering this recently and so naturally I decided to look into it a little further. I was initially surprised to find that there are several well known celebrities with celiac disease, but there is possibly an even larger number of celebrities who have been linked to the gluten-free diet. This is likely due to the common misconception that the gluten-free diet makes for a great weight loss plan.
I have created a list based upon my findings below and will attempt to keep this post updated as I come across new people to add to the list.
Celebrities with Celiac Disease
- Zooey Deschanel (Actress)
- Keith Olbermann (“Countdown with Keith Olbermann”)
- Elizabeth Hasselback (“The View”)
- Heidi Collins (CNN anchor)
- Jane Swift (Mass. Lieutenant Governor)
- Katherine, Duchess of Kent
- Susie Essman (“Curb Your Enthusiasm”)
- Rich Gannon’s (NFL Quarterback) daughter, Danielle
- Joe C (Kid Rock’s Friend and Rapper) – Now Deceased
- Mickey Redmon (former pro hockey player, does hockey commentary for Fox Sports Detroit)
- Sarah Vowell
- Jennifer Esposito
- Thom Hartmann (Air America Radio)
- Amy Yoder Begley (Competed in Beijing Olympics as a runner)
- Cedric Benson (NFL running back for the Cincinnati Bengals – formerly Chicago Bears, Texas Longhorns)
- Joe Stanton (Cartoonist who draws Batman, Green Lantern, Archie & Scooby-Do)
- Steve from WGN Radio
Celebrities on the gluten-free Diet
- Drew Brees (NFL Quarterback – Gluten Intolerant but does not have celiac disease)
- Michelle Wie (Professional Golfer)
- Meredith Viera
- Gwyneth Paltrow
- Bill Clinton
- Victoria Beckham (Posh Spice)
- Sarah Vowell (Comedian, Spokesperson, and voice of Violet from the movie Incredibles)
- Terence Stamp (actor in Star Wars Episode 1)
- Lady Antonia Frasier (noted author of historical novels)
- Amanda Donohoe (actress LA Law)
- Dannii Minogue (pop star/actress/model )
- Dr. Phil’s wife (Robin)
- Goldie Hawn (actress)
- Juliette Lewis (actress)
Know of any celebrities we are missing? Let us know in the comments below!
Heidi Collins CNN anchor and spoksperson for NFCA has celiac
Billy Bob Thorton is also celiac.
@ Judy – Great catch! Can’t believe I forgot to add Heidi to the list. I have updated the post to include her.
Add deborah ann woll, she is a marvelous actress. She plays Jessica on HBO’s Trueblood.
Sarah Vowell does have celiac disease. I talked to her about it after a book signing.
I recently heard that Jennifer Esposito has Celiac disease.
Thom Hartmann, of Air America Radio, is also a celiac.
Thanks Linda! I have updated our post 🙂
Elisabeth Hasselbeck is self-diagnosed. Not sure if you’re drawing a distinction or not.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck has been diagnosed properly. And is a celiac. Her book is also very helpful as well.
My sister went thru all the tests & a biopsy & her dr. said w/her symptoms it wasn’t possible that she didn’t have it even tho the testing didn’t show that she did. She went from stomach pain every time she ate, headaches, and brain fog to being able to go back to college and graduate. My dr told me the blood tests were unreliable and had me go off gluten for a period of time (2-3 months) and then re-introduce it. Got a reaction the 1st meal I ate with it. He said that was enough to convince him for sure.
@natasia – And? What difference does that make? She gets violently ill if she ingests gluten. Like her or not, she’s one of us. Seriously, considering how abysmally unreliable the current state of diagnostic testing is, I don’t understand why celiacs are such snobs about their disease. How is that helpful??
@ Stephanie – It’s not snobbery. There is a difference between Celiac Disease, a hereditary auto-immune disease, and gluten intolerance. Although both require a gluten-free diet, the disease has much broader and more serious implications for your general health and for your family, who should also be tested. That is one reason it is dangerous to self-diagnose.
It is funny Stephanie. We are all in this together. I am also self-diagnosed. I was running from doctor-to-doctor for the last 3 years. I have been tested for celiac – negative (and that is only after I demanded it 6 months ago). I heard Hasselbeck on Sean Hannity and decided to go gluten free. After only 12 days of being gluten free I have noticed a huge reduction of my “brain fog” and other neurological symptoms – sometimes I feel worse. Old symptoms come back but then go away, but the clarity of mind is sooooo nice! Hasselbeck may or may not be a book thief, but if it was not for her speaking out on the topic I would not have even tried going gluten-free, because listening to her experiences mirrored mine in so many ways. I decided to buy her book, read it, and try it. I really hope for me that this is the final answer 🙂
Also – for you government solution lovers – please understand that a government-run healthcare system will probably not address the pharmaceutical companies dangerous influence on doctors. In fact – the FDA is attacking Cheerios for promising a 10% reduction in cholesterol by eating cheerios. The FDA has been trying to shut-down naturopathic and allopathic practices that might help someone discover a gluten-free or dietary approach to a health problem. Only alternative types of doctors (not all of them) have suggested a gluten-free approach to me – though stubborn me – refused to try it because I feared losing my pizza more.
I see both sides to this problem because I have been exhaustively trying to heal myself with very little help from traditional or western doctors.
I am so grateful for my right to seek out alternative types of health care. I don’t want to see that right taken away from me or other people out there that have no idea what is happening to them. But consider this: when government pays the bill, they make and enforce the rules whether they are good for us or not. The pharmaceutical companies influence our government just as much as doctors they want to sell their drugs. If the pharmaceutical companies had their way – trust me, your choices in healthcare would greatly diminish.
It’s just food for thought. Discuss if you like. Most importantly think for yourselves! Attack me if you want, but remember that makes you no different then the Gluten attacking YOU! 🙂
Hi I read recently that Angelina Jolie has her twins on gluten free diets as they are apparently alergic to everything. I was diagnosed with celiac at 6 months old so 38 years. I would love to know if any one else suffers the same symptoms, i recently had a sneaky moment and ate something i shouldn’t have, i was waiting for the standard bloating and feeling unwell. I didn’t get any of that instead i seemed to have an alter personality change where i was a complete nasty bitch and although I wanted to be nice i just could’nt , as well as feeling very emotional It did eventually pass , and I think that this is a symptom that I have always had whenever I have ingested gluten, but not really been aware. I was not a nice person and found my mood extremley hard to control. Does this happen to any one else or is it just me.
no one is attacking you..but they are right..you should be diagnosed ….I respect the fact that you chose not to eat wheat/gluten…but, do not call yourself a celiac…you have never been diagnosed. You have no proof you are a celiac. I am sorry that you had a run around from the doctors.
I honestly believe that many , many people would feel much better if they stop or slowed down in eating wheat/gluten.
But, if you do not have celiac..please do not say you have celiac. Elisabeth Hasselbeck has done an injustice with her self-diagnoses..she should tell people that she prefers a lifestyle without wheat/gluten.
And, please , we totally respect someone who chooses this.way of life…but , not someone who chooses to self diagnose.
I know you posted your comment two years ago, but you are absolutely right about government intervention regarding healthcare, or anything else for that matter! I, too, am self-diagnosed. I have a wheat allergy and never bothered to get a celiac test before going GF. I was going to try a GF diet for a few weeks as a rotaion diet. It’s two years later!
Imagine how drastically health care expenses would go down if all the celiacs were properly diagnosed, allergies were properly diagnosed, and doctors weren’t goverened by the drug companies!
Be well!
I agree as well. I was diagnosed with a biopsy and a blood test about a year and a half ago and my doctor knew nothing about my disease, other than it was positive and what gluten came from. He told me to look everything up on the internet and he was an asshole. Celiac Disease developed from genetic MUTATION and I personally have a strong belief after doing some research that the cause of allergens, auto-immune diseases, and sensitivities result from biotechnology and ancestry. Our ancestors mostly ate proteins and things grown organically from the ground, so in theory we never evolved to tolerate grains well and manmade chemicals are never good for the body. Also not everyone can afford a biopsy, or a blood test because the economy sucks, so they could have CD regardless. Who cares if you’re self diagnosed or not. If I had not read Hasselbeck’s book I’d be lost.Tests are NEVER 100% accurate anyway. What matters most is that you feel better!
I’d definitely have to disagree with that. I saw the pictures taken of my child’s intestinal damage. There was nothing iffy about that. If you don’t have that proof, you aren’t sure.
All, my celiac tests came back negative, but I get severe stomach aches if I eat wheat. I have had food allergies all my life related to wheat and milk, so I have voluntarily removed both from my diet. The blood test is well known to produce false negatives, so it’s best to go with how you feel. I personally am very happy that people are either getting diagnosed, or voluntarily not eating wheat – makes my shopping much easier. 🙂
I tested a weak positive 5 years ago, round about 05, and now I am positive. I nearly died from coeliacs, severe reaction, neurological issues, connective tissue issues, renal failure, bowel problems, osteoperosus, degenerative spinal disease. Blurred sight, stuttering, cognitive impairment, etc… It is advisable to get screened every 5 years as its also an auto immune response and can be brought on by environment as well as genetic pre disposition. If your not eating gluten, then it would be easier just to call yourself a coeliac, so what? If your suffering, and want a positive result you need to do a ‘gluten challenge’ too? But since I suffered for so long I am totally not offended by someone saying they are a coeliac even if they are not, who cares they feel better?
Dale I hope you get to try an Udi’s Gluten Free prebaked pizza crust soon! I just tried them and they are amazing! You can order them directly from http://www.UdisFood.com or request that your local grocer carry them. Udi’s is a Colorado company and just now shipping their delicious products to other states.
I was diagnosed 17 years ago with Celiac Disease. I joined the Denver CSA support group and then co-founded the Northern Colorado CSA Chapter 16 years ago. The chapter now has almost 400 members!
Over the years I tried breads and pizza crusts from the store but thought they were terrible. I couldn’t believe people actually expected us to eat them. For most of the last 17 years I have don’t without bread.
About 8 months ago, my neighborhood King Soopers began carrying some really nice looking Cinnamon Rolls from Udi’s Bakery in the freezer case. I tried them and thought they were great. I eagerly tried the Blueberry Muffins. WOW!!!!! I quickly began eating one or two a day. I was just like a little kid. I cry now to remember how life changing it was to not have to bake (which I haven’t done for years)and still get an amazing product.
After 4 months of eating the Cinnamon Rolls and Blueberry Muffins every day I braved it and tried the bread. I have eaten so many disgusting slices of bread I was very hesitant. I think most Celiacs can relate.
I hesitantly bought a loaf of White Bread and a loaf of Whole Grain bread. I tried the White bread first. I toasted it and made a turkey sandwich. While toasting it in the broiler, it smelled like regular bread, but I didn’t want to invest myself emotionally, so I didn’t raise my expectations. I didn’t trust that it would be good so I didn’t put too much on the toast, fearing that it would fall apart. I’m getting so emotional just remembering my next reaction.
I took a bite of my sandwich and the bread was AMAZING! It had that wonderful quality of pressing together than releasing when I bit through it. The flavor was just like I remembered white bread to be. The great smell was indicative of the incredible taste. I was overcome with emotion eating my sandwich because I knew my life just got easier and more fulfilling!
Since that day three months ago, I have tried everything I can think of to test the properties of the breads. I have found that they are delicious right out of the bag at room temperature. They are so soft and moist they the bread can be folded in half around a quickly assembled sandwich when I’m driving (did I say that out load – of course I don’t eat while driving). The white bread is amazing on a peanut butter and jelly. The Whole Grain is great for my more adult sandwiches. And the pizza crust, which I’ve only had twice, is fabulous! Just like the real stuff! All of it has changed my life in such positive ways.
Two months ago I contacted Udi’s and said I’d like to help them get the word out about their Gluten Free product line. The timing was perfect. I am now the Gluten Free Product Ambassador for Udi’s Handcrafted Foods!
Our message is one of empowerment for the consumer. We no longer need to settle for poor quality baked goods. We can firmly ask that great products, like Udi’s, be carried at our grocery stores (like Kroger’s King Soopers) and specialty stores (like Whole Foods and Vitamin Cottage) and mom and pop shops nationwide (like Granny’s Gluten Free Zone in Loveland, CO). We can ask restaurants to create safe and delicious products (Biaggi’s Ristorante Italiano and P.F. Chang’s have!) and give us a nice menu to order from (like that at The Camp Robber in Montrose, CO) not just a soiled copy of ingredients in various dishes.
Let me know if you can find the Udi’s Pizza Crust Dale. You will be delighted to try it!
Gluten Free Product Ambassador
Udi’s Handcrafted Foods
If you need any/a (more) Udi’s Gluten Free Product Ambassador’s in Northeast Ohio, I would love to be considered for it. I recently…..today actually,
started my 13 year old grandson on a gluten-free diet and it is already challenging.. I will be looking for these products in my area. Thank you so much for your message. LSB
Sarah Joy Brown – actress on General Hospital has confirmed Celiac Disease
I am posting here some links from an email that mention a lot of celebs who were either celiacs or suspected of being so. Some of this is out of date, but I thought it might be of interest to you:
Evidently there is some research that show that Hans Christian Andersen, the Danish fairy tale writer, was a celiac.
Summary list of famous folks who might be / might have been celiac, wheat-allergic, gluten-intolerant, or just speculatively somehow “one of us”: Sorry, in some cases, folks didn’t know their names, just a description, so I tried to fill in the blanks by googling. If you know better, please correct me. In some cases, I have an interesting link, some info I can’t confirm, some (especially quite a few who appear to be Brits) I don’t even know who they are, so if you do, please enlighten us all. In some cases the links confirm some “allergy” info, in others, they merely identify who the person is.
Your comments (with my editorials, or links, if I found them)
(1) I think Carol Channing might be Celiac – you know she carries her food everywhere – even to the White House.
(2) I have been told by other celiacs that Carol Channing, famous actress onstage years ago that she is a celiac; she was used as an example to me to encourage me to dine out more with my own food in tow. The story goes that Carol Channing had such severe allergies that she had a personal chef, and he would make her something to take with her wherever she went, and she would discreetly just “whip out” her own food at restaurants and private parties and everyone just accepted it, all she said was she had severe food allergies and everyone gave a clear berth.
The actress who starred as Lois Lane with Christopher Reeve in the first superman movie. What was her name..husky voice, thin? I think this is the actress Margot Kidder, I found a link for an article she wrote about alternative medicine and bipolar disorder, in which she mentions wheat and dairy sensitivities, but no specific confirmation that she is celiac
Unrelated “bonus”: On the same web site, another article: Mental Symptoms of “Wheat Allergy” (Celiac Disease) by Sheryl Tingley: http://www.alternativementalhealth.com/articles/wheat.htm
The youngest girl on “The View” (Elisabeth Hasselbeck) who just had a baby has celiac because she’s mentioned it a few times. Here’s a link that confirms it: http://www.celiacchicks.com/2005/03/as_seen_on_tv.html (looks like this might be a fun celiac resource, too! Check out the bakery, restaurant, and recipe pictures and wipe that drool off your chin…)
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (had Addison’s disease, suspected celiac also; I wonder if other Kennedys might have celiac?)
I think I’ve heard Abe Lincoln was also celiac, or suspect.
Edna St. Vincent Millay! A biography of her called “Savage Beauty” by Nancy Milford is said to be a really great read.
Rich Gannon’s (NFL football player) daughter Danielle
Joe C (Joseph Calleja) (who hung out with Kid Rock?) passed away from celiac at age 26
Jane Swift was lieutenant governor in Massachusetts, and became the first female MA governor in 2001 (replaced by Mitt Romney in 2002) – a little extra info from before she was elected Lieutenant Governor:
Celiac Disease in the News: Two political opponents share appetites, gluten-free that is. Jane M. Swift (Republican) and
Warren E. Tolman (Democrat) were candidates for lieutenant governor. Though divided by party affiliations, they are united on the food front as both are celiacs. Tolman was diagnosed 5 years ago when he was 33 years old. He is 6’4″ tall. His picture should be distributed to any health professional who is only looking for people with short stature. Swift was diagnosed during her late 20’s and discussed strategies for eating on the campaign trail. http://www.enabling.org/ia/celiac/sn/spnk9812.html
There is a book by Lance Armstrong’s (7-time winner of the Tour de France bicycle race and cancer survivor) mother, No Mountain High Enough. On page 15 she indicates she had celiac as a child. She’s not a celebrity, but I thought it was interesting. I hope she knows that it’s not a just a childhood issue if it’s truly celiac.
Author and comedienne Sarah Vowell (often on NPR radio, she did a funny take on “wheat allergy” and Living Without magazine on NPR, and also was Violet in the Incredibles)
TV Psychologist Dr. Phil McGraw’s wife, Robyn?
Actor Billy Bob Thornton has said he is “allergic to wheat”
Actor Goldie Hawn?
TV personality Regis Philbin?
Actor Terence Stamp, Star Wars Episode I?
Actor Juliette Lewis?
Keith Olbermann, MSNBC newsman (did a fund raiser for the Celiac Sprue Association mentioned in the following link:)
Lady Antonia Frasier, noted author of historical novels
Actor Amanda Donohoe (LA Law)
Mickey Redmon, former pro hockey player, who broadcasts hockey commentary for Fox Sports in Detroit has CD.
Dannii Minogue has gluten intolerance, gluten free, dairy free, lots of “food allergies,” so maybe celiac disease. She is a pop star/actress/model and Kylie Minogue’s younger sister.
Katherine, Duchess of Kent
Sir Richard Doll, cancer epidemiologist, who first established the link between smoking and cancer in 1950, is a celiac:
Victoria ‘Posh Spice’ Beckham, married to David Beckham, soccer star for Real Madrid
Gaby Roslin, BBC broadcaster
Peter Benenson, Founder of Amnesty International and also of a society for people with coeliac disease:
The late Archbishop of Liverpool, Derek Warlock
phil collins has coeliac
Are you sure or was this just something you read? Love him and his music. Did not know this…
Do you know if Andy Roddick is gf?
I don’t think andy roddick is gf. Can’t spell it correctly but Ndjovik the #1 tennis player in world if dfntly gf not sure if he is celiac. He will sure bragg abt millions of dollars he spends to stay gf to.
I get upset because I, too, am one of the many who got false negatives on the blood tests – twice. Enterolab testing, however, revealed that I have plenty of autoimmune antibodies to both gluten and casein. The blood tests only turn up positive when the intestine is so severely damaged that substances like gluten peptides end up in the bloodstream. I read a recent study where they looked at a group of newly diagnosed Celiacs, and every one had Stage III or IV damage. Clearly, the accepted diagnostic criteria are wrong if no one is getting diagnosed before end-stage damage. This is why I don’t understand the snobbery.
I only got diagnosed early because I educated myself, and was willing and able to pay for the testing myself. If I hadn’t, I’d be marginalized by the CD community as not a “real” celiac.
I know, I know, Celiacs want to distance themselves from nuts who vaguely avoid gluten because it’s “healthier” and have no idea what it is. But as far as I’m concerned, If someone’s health noticeably improves on a strict GF diet, it’s not only uncharitable but ignorant to assume it’s simply a placebo effect. With 95% of celiacs undiagnosed, maybe, just maybe, they were actually an undiagnosed celiac to start with … (and of course, that % is a lot higher, if you consider that the current diagnostic criteria are way too narrow.)
It would be more helpful for us to advocate on behalf of the whole gluten-ill community, rather than make Celiac a clique.
My daughter was diagnosed with Celiac’s recently. It was diganosed only after a blood test, a stool test, an endoscopy and a tissue biopsy. All things came back postive but it wasn’t official until all tests were done. A simple blood test cannot definitivly diagnose Celiac’s.
Joe C is deceased.
Hi Jennifer,
I updated the list to clarify. Thanks for your contribution!!
I totally agree with you; I believe that there is a lot of snobbery around the subject. Like it’s a special club to being a diagnosed celiac. Let me tell you a little bit about my story.
6 years ago, my mother-in-law almost died of celiac, literally, the doctor told her that if they didn’t find out the cause of her illness soon, she would die. She should have been around 145 lbs. but only weighing 95 lbs she looked like a skeleton. She was only 50 but looked 80, seriously. Anyway, she was finally diagnosed with celiac only after my husband finding a doctor who took her seriously. For once in her life she is healthy and feeling great.
Bear with me, this is the foreground.
Last year I gave birth to my first son, something was terribly wrong with him, he was born very small and no fat on his body. He was overall very happy during the day but at night, he would roll around in pain and would scream. None of the Peds took me seriously, they all took me for the nervous first time mom and said he was fine. Same with everybody else that I would talk to.
After talking to someone about food allergies, it finally hit me, I realized that it could be Gluten. As soon as I stopped eating Gluten (breastfed) he was 90% better. Then I went off casein and he was a 100%. I actually have people that have told me that I should have him tested, which would mean that he would have to go back on gluten for 4-6 weeks. Anyone that says that has never had a child with it or ever experienced it violently before. My son may never be tested for celiac. I’ll leave it up to him when he gets older he can decide. But it seems really obvious to me and I don’t have anything to prove to you celiac snobs anyway.
Let me add one thing about a month ago, my mom talked me into going to see an allergist and they decided to do the blood test for gluten and dairy. Even after I told him that I follow a strict diet and that he probably wouldn’t show anything in his blood stream, the doctor said that the tests were really good and that if he has EVER been exposed that the anti-bodies should be there. Both tests came back negative, and he told me to start him slowly back on each separately, when I asked him if he could still be allergic he said yes and started saying the opposite of what he said in his office. (by the way my son was violently ill after trying it again) My point is that there are not a lot of doctors out there that know what they are talking about.
One thing that people don’t realize as some have touched on is that if you don’t have extreme intestinal damage then even that test can come back inconclusive. My mother-in-laws first blood test came back neg. intestinal exam positive and then another blood test came back pos.
Same with my sister-in-law blood test pos. intestinal came back inconclusive.
(p.s. their whole family has had major digestion issues and finally a few of them are starting to go on the diet to see great results.) Sometimes you are forced to self-diagnose and still be celiac. I know my son is because his grandmother suffers from the same thing and almost all of her descendants and siblings including my husband.
My personal opinion is that if someone in your family has it, and others have had major digestion issues their whole life and don’t know what is wrong with them then they all probably have it. There is a total of 9 people in my husbands family fortunately 5 of them have went gluten free and now say that their life is completely changed.
Sorry for the long post, I just don’t know what people expect, I’m not going to put my 18 month old son through the tests or put him back on something that causes him to scream in pain.
Also, my son had huge rashes, blood in stool and diareaha that looked like neon-green slime. Still no one thought anything wrong.
Sometimes you have to take things into your own hands and be an advocate for your own health diagnosed or undiagnosed, I am compassionate for people and very happy when someone finds relief, especially if they have been treated the way me and my family have been by doctors and other people.
I have to agree with those who say that it’s sometime just not possible to get the endoscopy to confirm.
I had a hunch it was celiac, had the bloodtest, it came back positive and I went gluten free. I was referred to a Gastro, but my appointment was 90 days later. Why should I have continued to posion myself for 90 days just for them to confirm a positive. 3 days off gluten and I was 50% better, and within 30 days I was 90%.
The medical profession needs to step up and give us better options. Better tests, better access to specialists. We have to take our health into our own hands and do what we can.
i believe emmy rossum (actress) has it as well
Just had to leave a response to Stephanie. My son was exactly the same as your son and I had the same situation as you. I felt like I was reading my thoughts and feelings. Celiac Disease is not a Disease that the majority of people know about or even heard of. I was given answers by doctors such as IBS, virus, toddler diarrhea, etc. I gave up on doctors and did research myself for my son. Something was wrong and I was determined to find out a solution.
Many people don’t understand the torture me and my son have been through. To simply state that eating gluten for a month to prove to you in writing what I already know, is nonsense. I don’t need to prove anything to anyone. I know my son and I can not eat gluten. We are healthier, happier and most importantly no longer miserable!
I truly hope that doctors become more knowledgeable in this disease. To prevent the years of suffering and not knowing. So that they can prevent secondary diseases.
If our doctors would’ve have considered Celiac Disease after a month of my son’s symptoms then he would’ve been diagnosed and yes I would have proof. But that was not the case and I took matters into my own hands.
I have all the proof I need. He is no longer suffering, eating gluten free!
Wishing all the best to Stephanie, her son and all that are like us.
I agree with Leslie and Stephanie and Laura. Although I had the positive blood test and the genetic test was also positive, my biopsy came back negative the first time and it took lots more testing and such at the Mayo clinic to finally confirm what my family and I already knew. I was an active, seemingly healthy college student but I couldn’t keep on weight or muscle and I was exhausted and puking and having bathroom issues (green??) all the time. I felt 100% better after a month of GF diet and some extra vitamins.
Rosemary DeWitt, who is Rachel, from the movie Rachel Getting Married, and Charmaine, on United States of Tara is Gluten Free. (Not sure if from celiac)
chelsea clinton? zoey deschanel?
Josh Turner said he is HIGHLY sensitive to gluten today on the Hoda and Kathie Lee show. Jennifer Esposito was on and discussed Celiac briefly and that’s when Josh Turner chimed in (He sings, “Why don’t we just dance” and “firecracker”)… country music singer.
Natashia, You are way out of line. Elizabeth Hasselback has done more for our disease than you will do for anything the rest of your life…. Especially with your negative attitude. If you can’t say anything nice>>>>
I just want to say, who cares if you are diagnosed or not? What will happen if you get a positive? You have to follow a gluten free diet. That’s what people do to feel better. I think people need to get over this issue. The fact of the matter is, THE MORE PEOPLE WHO FOLLOW THIS DIET THERE ARE, THE MORE MAINSTREAM IT BECOMES, THERE BY MAKING IT EASIER FOR PEOPLE TO GET GLUTEN FREE PRODUCTS EVERYWHERE.
My son and I have all the symptoms of Celiac disease, and at the urging or our CHIROPRACTOR we did an elimination diet and discovered that gluten was the issue. Neither of us can have ANY OF IT.
I refused a biopsy for us, because of insurance purposes. My son’s doctor said that it could be possible to lose insurance later in his life (he’s only three now-has been gluten free for a year and a half) because there is NO MEDICINE for this issue.
I watched my son get so sick right before his 2nd birthday, and I never EVER will voluntarily put him through that again, (or myself for that matter) because we have to be eating gluten, (what we KNOW to be POISON to our bodies) just to have some test tell us (possibly accurately) that we need to do what we are already doing. So, why don’t you try to pull your heads out, and realize that this whole issue you are arguing about it arbitrary and ridiculous.
Whether you are diagnosed as a Celiac or not, don’t you want the support for awareness of a disease that affects so many people? Get over yourself and realize that this is GOOD for the cause.
I personally don’t plan on ever getting the test done, unless it is absolutely necessary for some reason, as I don’t plan to add gluten back in to my diet again, or my son’s, and I don’t want either of us to go through what we went through before. I had no idea there was so much elitism in this area until now.
If there was a “like” button under Susan’s post, I would click it! Whether or not a person has auto-immune celiac or gluten intolerence, the bottom line is, gluten makes us all SICK!! Instead of driving a wedge between the two groups and causing division, can’t we all agree that we are stronger in our cause when we are united? Sure, there are flakes out there on the fringes who see gluten-avoidance as a trendy fad diet; they will go down the garden path as soon as the next fad diet comes along to grab their attention and their dollars. In the meantime, the rest of us who have either medical or anecdotal documentation of our aversion to gluten should spend our collective resources battling TOGETHER, to fight for FDA labeling laws, greater awareness of the issue, and more and better foods to eat. “A house divided against itself cannot stand…. “
Long Islander that was in the news for Celiac Disease…was a pro football player now world record holder.
Raul Ibanez of the Philadelphia Phillies
I recently read that 2 of the Clintons have an issue with Gluten.. That would be President Bill Clinton and his daughter…
Novak djokavoc!!! He just won Wimbledon after going gf!!!
My husband and 2 daughters have been diagnosed with
Celiac disease. Both sons tested negative. However, our younger son has chosen to eat a gluten free diet in spite of his lack of diagnosis and feels his health has improved dramatically. Be aware that it is possible to have a false negative response to a blood test. If you feel better, stay gluten free. No harm done.
I believe that Chelsea Clinton, Zooey Deschanel and Rachel Weisz adhere to a gluten free diet..
Jenny McCarthy is (or at least was) GF.
Ryan Phillepe. Excellent article in Men’s Health.
Also Nobsk Djokovic is gluten sensitive.
howie mandel
he told me himself 🙂
Anna Silk who plays Bo on Lost Girl (Showcase) is gluten intolerant
With all due respect, who gives a crud what “celebrities” have celiac disease? It does NOT help our cause that these people claim to have celiac disease. And most of these people, I believe, are gluten-free by choice, not because of celiac.
I know some of you believe it helps our cause by making it more mainstream. I think it has the opposite affect. Celiac disease has now become “the gluten thing” rather than a serious disease.
My own two cents…
I agree….I think it makes it tough to be a serious “gluten-free” person when it is thought of as such a fad. I also feel many of the celebrities who are gluten-free…are not going out and buying gluten-free replacement products, like donuts and cookies, they are just cutting out that type of food from their diet, so of course they look fabulous. I wonder if they check every single ingredient of the spices, soy sauce, etc…
My son and I were both diagnosed with Celiac Disease this year 2012, it has been a curse and blessing at the same time. My mom and grandma must have it since it is a genetic disease. My grandma Died in her sleep but I believe she stopped breathing due to Celiac. She has the same symptoms my son and I have as well as my mom.
I have learned a lot about this disease and will be visiting the University of Chicago for support and studies on regards to this unknown disease.
venessa Hoffman
My son and I have CELIAC DISEASE
Perhaps the most successful sportsman/woman, who is coeliac, is Hayley Turner, who is the UK’s top lady jockey. She regularly rides for the Queen and every racehorse owner, except for the odd MCP would have her on their horses.
She could be the first of many UK jockeys, who are coeliac, as all are tested for the disease, to check, it’s not the reason they are small.