This has been a tough year for many folks and when people are struggling to pay their own bills, they usually can’t give much to charities. Many people can give up their time but are not always able to write a check to support their favorite organizations. Several of the groups listed below receive much of their annual donations at the end of the year. Since the money given is usually tax-deductible, it’s a win-win situation for all parties.
There are many celiac and gluten-free organizations that accept tax-deductible donations. For those out there that are in a position to give, please consider supporting the group or celiac center of your choice from the list below. Each organization in its own way is helping to help us all live healthier and happier lives. No matter which group you support, your money will be put to good use to help improve things for all of us.
- University of Maryland Center For Celiac Research
- American Celiac Disease Alliance (ACDA)
- Celiac Disease Foundation (CDF)
- Gluten Intolerance Group of North America (GIG)
- National Foundation For Celiac Awareness (NFCA)
- Canadian Celiac Association (CCA)
The people at each center and organization listed above work hard to drive change in the gluten-free/celiac communities. Whether doing research on new therapies for celiac or improving our safe gluten-free dining options, each group plays an important role in raising awareness and promoting positive advances for those living gluten-free in the U.S. and Canada.
When thinking about the end of your giving plan, consider making a donation to one of the organizations above. Every little bit helps and you’ll be doing something for yourself, everyone you know that lives gluten-free, and many that will come after you. Helping others brings a joy that’s almost indescribable and when you can help yourself at the same time, that’s truly something to be thankful for. Happy holidays everyone and a special thanks to all the wonderful folks that go to work every day to try and improve all of our lives!
The Celiac Sprue Association CSA/USA was left off your list to make year end tax deductable contributions. CSA/USA is a great resource for celiacs.
Thanks, Tiffany, for the reminder to give what we can to such worthy celiac causes!