Looking for a gluten-free potato chip to take with you on the go? Although potato chips typically aren’t a very healthy snack, I’ve always felt they have a value to anyone on a gluten-free diet as they can easily be taken with you on the go whether you are traveling or trying to pack a lunch. They are even sold in tiny packages for your convenience!
In addition to several gluten-free chip options you’ll often find in many specialty stores, the mainstream company Frito Lay also offers a number of gluten-free potato chips which are safe for those on a gluten-free diet to consume. In fact, Frito Lay lists both their gluten-free chips and their gluten-free and casein-free chips on their official website for your convenience.
Notable Gluten-Free Chips from Frito Lay:
- Cheetos
- Fritos
- Lays
- Ruffles
- Tositos
These are mostly corn-based and so they are naturally gluten-free. For a complete list, including baked versions and other variations, you’ll want to check out their gluten-free or gluten-free and casein-free pages.
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I agree chips are great for travel and though I’ve met some people who say they can’t eat Frito-Lay items due to cross contamination issues, the most reactive celiacs I know enjoy the products from this company often. We even served Fritos corn chips at a gluten-free supper club dinner with a dip for the appetizer. Some of the items in this line contain MSG and I think some people are reacting to that instead of any gluten contamination. However, some people don’t want to deal with yet another intolerance so when you suggest they look into issues with MSG, they blow off the idea and insist it’s a gluten issue. The cleaner you eat, the more you’ll likely react to MSG. That’s how I found out I had issues with it. There is a reason so many companies are taking out or not adding MSG to their products anymore and I’d love to see Frito-Lay remove it from Doritos.
Just a reminder, Doritos Nacho Cheese flavor are NOT gluten-free. Your list could be misleading to someone who doesn’t take the time to click on the links above to check the specific lists. I only know because that was my favorite flavor prior to going gluten-free and check the bag frequently to see if the wheat flour has magically disappeared! LOL!
Good point Kim. I have updated and removed Doritos from the list to avoid confusion.
You’re right Kim and when I checked the list myself, I noticed some previously listed gf Doritos are not on the list. I can’t eat them anyway due to the MSG in all but the Natural ones that are not sold near us anymore. I’m thinking with so many companies removing wheat from their products (not always making noise about it), your fave Doritos might be gluten-free eventually….and then if they’ll just remove the MSG we’ll both be set!
I would say Frito’s Corn Chips (original) are NOT gluten free. I will never again have them nor do I believe they’re Gluten Free. I’ll stick with Lays Original Chips as I’ve never had a problem. It’s tough because I just read an article that even those items that say GF are not always GF.
I usually buy Lays chips but am glad that others are gluten free.