Over the past few years, the medical community has finally come around to the fact that many people with Celiac Disease don’t have the common symptoms that doctors used to look for.
Recently The Savvy Celiac took a community survey of symptoms that lead to a diagnosis of Celiac Disease, and today they shared the survey results. The survey was actually broken down into two sections: children’s symptoms and adults’ symptoms.
Here are the results with the most common symptoms on top:
Children’s Symptoms with Celiac Disease
- Diarrhea
- Failure to Thrive
- Distended Belly
- Stomach Pain
- Vomiting
- Fatigue
- Constipation
Adult Symptoms with Celiac Disease
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
- Stomach Pain
- Anemia
- Nausea
- Asymptomatic
- Weight Loss
- Constipation
They are definitely interesting results, though they were taken from a very small sample (68 people), so it should be used for informational purposes only. Click here to read their post announcing the survey results.
My symtoms as follows
IBS diagnosed 15 yrs ago
two ops to remove polyps
sever allergys petrol -chemicals yeast products
candida albicans
fibro myalgia
paralyising tic bite inflamation all lymph glands
3 yrs ago hospitilised for 4days in indonesia food poisoning.shortly afterwards
wierd symtoms started to appeared
pain in hands and feet unable to walk.
loose bowels 10 times a day and leaking
burning in hands and feet
bloating stomach tender to touch
thyroid disfunction
gained 20 klo in 9 months
practically house bound on disability pension . My Chinese Dr is treating me for cronic circulation disorder
My Dr didnt diagnose celiac disease but a nurse who has it herself suggested I try gluten free products .as a result my bloated stomach is going down and the incontinece also gone and i am able to walk better the pain is going
my q .Has anyone else had these severe debilatating symtoms can celiac disease be this bad ?
I would never say that mine where near as bad as yours but mine include:
Severe bleeding for 3 years now
severe bowel pain and discomfort
gained 10 kilos
Always out of energy
Problems sleeping due to pain and Diarrhea
My Bowel movements where never regular the doctors
had no idea what was wrong with me. I saw a tv show about it and self diagnosed after checking off most of the list. I then took myself off of gluten to see if anything got better and so far the difference is night and day….now to overcome my week willed self when good pizza is concerned.. oh and beer.
Found bursting into tears is quite comon it has been known for some time that some serous pychco promblems have been traced to wheat allergy still sorting out this problem I have found that i react to all products that come from amimals rhat eats wheat , milk cheese eggs the dairy products have to be cut out till you source out grass fed only live stock. good luck
My symptoms have been constipation, weight again about 20kg in 3 months, thyroid dysfunction, stomach pain, anemia, tiredness and my head feels really foggy iykwim. I go on the 15 April for a biopsy to 100% confirm celiac but according to a blood test I do have it. What I want to know is how soon after you start the diet do you notice a difference? I cannot wait to feel better!
I question why you would put yourself through an invasive test to confirm something you already Know? I say this from experience I watched them doing mine they use a tweezer type gaget with teeth to dig into your stomach and twist and pull a portion out.
I started a very strict gluten free diet 7 mths ago improvement in my bowels was in a few months and I continue to improve I have been to the shopping Mall and walked round with out pain for the first time in nearly 3 years. The liver being attacked makes you very tired and malabsortion of food makes you enimic. I am not tired now I feel I have so much more energy. I recomend organic food as we celiacs are more effected by all chemicals if to expensive soak all the vegatable in water for up to 1 hour a teaspoon of hydrgen poroxide in the water is recomemded. kind regards Pauline Howell
Wow, others with my symptoms. Blood test confirmed Coeliac 3 weeks ago, waiting for endo- bi-opsy and colonoscopy. I had cronic, gas,diareah,cramping, acheybones,fatigue,enemia,enlarged liver,headaches and 17kg weight loss since last Novemeber. Life was so miserable. I was almost a hermit.
last year i got relay sick and had almost mist 6 moths of school i had relay bad pains everywhere,pale,a little had to breath, really sleepy, really low iron, dizzy and lost a little weight then when we went to the doctors they always said that i had the flue then i got a blood test and said I’m very little allergic to wheat,milk,fish,nut so they said i can eat it and said nothing is wrong with me then i stooped eating wheat and milk altogether and got really better and going back to school and now when i eat gluten i get worse then i was when i was eating it so I’m all better
same as me and now I’m writing a assignment about Celia and find out so much more about it. it help to know what was wrong with my body