I have been eating Udi’s Gluten-Free bread since it was first introduced 5+ years ago. For a while, it was my absolute favorite. It was ground-breaking in the world of gluten-free bread. It was soft with a nice texture and didn’t have to be toasted. A year or two went by and the bread began to have large holes in it that ran throughout the loaf. It was more and more common with each purchase, so I stopped buying the bread and found an alternative, or at least I did for a while. Once I found the commercial-size loaf at Costco, I began to buy my bread there. The holes were still there on occasion, but if I got a bad loaf, I would take it back to Costco to get another. Enter Udi’s Florence Street Bakery Bread.
This Farmhouse White Bread is part of the new Udi’s Florence Street Bakery line, which also includes muffins. The new line is intended to be found in the bakery section of the grocery or health food store as opposed to the frozen food aisle. I found this loaf at Earth Fare but discovered it can also be found in Target and Walmart.
So, how does this bread stack up? The texture and taste are great, there is no doubt about that, but as is typical with Udi’s brand bread, I found some holes in the middle of the loaf.
These slices of bread represent about a third of the loaf of bread. When you are paying $5+ for a loaf of bread, that is unacceptable, in my opinion. I know this isn’t a problem with other gluten-free brands, or at least not that I have seen, so why can’t Udi’s seem to fix the issue?
While I really enjoyed the taste and texture of this bread, I can’t see purchasing it again. Have you tried Udi’s Florence Street Bakery Bread? Did you have holes in your loaf?
ABSOLUTELY AGREE! I stopped buying their product as well for the same reason and if you purchase their French baguette the same thing happens it’s a long baguette you cut into it and its completely empty of bread. I should have called the company but they couldn’t be bothered I just again was disappointed with another gluten free farce. I do however purchase Trader Joe’s brand bagels if you can find them there they are out of them often. And even if you give your name at the desk to ask to be contacted when they do come in they never call you so it’s hit or miss. If they don’t have celiac people don’t get it. Sometimes person needs a bagel! Lol and the UDI’S brand bagels are terrible. Thanks for bringing up the subject I appreciate an advocate for high-priced wholey bread!! 🙂
yes, exactly and its in all varieties I have tried. frustrating to say the least.
I have tried the farm house bread and have not had he’s as large as you pictures. I have had holes that large in the regular frozen loaf. However, I love it more than the other bands and still buy it.
I have had the same problem. Our Costco stopped carrying it so I’ve returned to Franz’s brand because no one in my town carries the Farmhouse variety. It did have the closest taste and texture to your high-end gluten loaves. I keep mine in the freezer as I don’t finish a loaf quickly enough. The freezer did make the “hole” problem even worse.
This is the best Gluten free white bread there is and it is no longer carried at Walmart stores. We have not been able to find it at any other stores as yet. Hopefully more stores will start to carry this one, until then we will have to keep using the Udi’s with holes!!!