Ever since I first learned about Celiac Disease, I’ve always found it to be interesting that this disease seems to affect everyone differently. Doctors are beginning to learn that there aren’t a standard set of Celiac symptoms and people have positive results through all different types of Celiac treatments. Although the gluten-free diet is the standard for treating Celiac Disease, I’ve found when attending Celiac events that many people have to eliminate additional foods to truly feel great, as well as working some vitamins and certain exercise programs into their daily routine.
Something I’ve been reading a lot of positive results about over the past few months is people with Celiac Disease using yoga as a way to feel better. This of course is not a treatment, but instead is a way to improve core strength and of course to promote healthy digestion.
One recent example of this is a testimonial by Crystal of gluten-free Hub, who shared her experiences using yoga to feel better and improve her outlook on life:
Taking some time to slow down and practice focusing exclusively on the moment, the pose, and the feelings inside my body has allowed me to carry the practice into the rest of my life. When I’m in a restaurant, and nobody seems to know what’s gluten-free, or when someone in my office is eating a big cheeseburger and fries that smell impossibly delicious, I can focus my mind and move through the frustration, the temptation. Similarly, when I’m tired, crabby, or tempted to blame myself for ingesting a hidden source of gluten in a restaurant, I can explore the negative emotions without getting lost in them.
But yoga is not only for Buddhist types. If you’re into a hardcore cardio routine, you might be reluctant to try yoga because it may not seem as intense as your regular workout. However, I had been running and doing crunches 4-5 times per week for nearly a year, and I had no signs of single abdominal muscle. I started doing yoga twice per week for one hour and cut way back on my cardio and crunch routine, and within two months, my posture had improved, and I had abs.
Out of curiosity, how many of you with Celiac Disease have tried incorporating yoga into your lifestyle?
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